How to Relieve Coughs and Colds

How to Relieve Coughs and Colds
Rainy season as we feel towards this november may lead to flu and cough because our immune system is weak when the weather tends to rain more so if some rain in impromptu .

Although not classified as mild disease course, its presence can interfere with important activities in our daily lives .
Coughs and Colds emotion is handled in a way that others think we are suppose to drink plenty of water to boost the immune system and digestion .

Here's How to Relieve Coughs and Colds good and true :

How to Relieve Coughs and Colds
  1. Identify the type of cough suffered
    Generally divided into two types of cough and phlegm . indentipikasi kind and give a cough you cough medicines according to the type of cough you .
  2. Spicy foods and hot beverages
    Food bercampu pepper , chili , and ginger , very good to help relieve the symptoms of coughs and colds. Eating spicy foods and drinking hot beverages are good to help melumpuhlan harmful bacteria that can worsen the condition of our immune system .
  3. Steam inhalation
    If you contract Cough and Colds , handling the most easy and safe as well as economical is by inhaling steam . This method proved successful Relieves Coughs and Colds .
    How: by heating the hot water , add a little eucalyptus oil then inhale its vapors do not have to drink alone .
  4. Consumption of vegetables and fruits
    The food intake that contain lots of vitamins and minerals is essential when conditions are weak and the body is not affected Coughs and Colds . Eating fruits and vegetables is one good way to help help strengthen the immune system .
  5. Milk and Turmeric
    Milk is a highly nutritious drink calcium and good for our bodies , even to drink these beverages complement after 5 fruits and vegetables in a healthy diet limaa yangdkenal as four perfectly healthy .

    Consuming a glass of milk and a spoonful of turmeric can help kill the bacteria growth that can Relieves Coughs and Colds .

To avoid Coughs and Colds in most menting hijan season is keeping your immune system with the intake of water and enough food .

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