Is The Flu Vaccine A Good Idea For Your Family

is the flu vaccine a good idea for your family - Indeed, the flu vaccine is a good idea for the family. The Flu shot does not cause the flu and it makes children and parents from getting sick. Getting the flu is worse than having a cold and can make a person sick for a week or more.

Infants less than 6 months can't get the vaccine, but if parents and children that appear in the household gets it, which will help protect the baby. This is important because the baby is more at risk of complications from the flu.

Who should be immunized?

The vaccine is important for people in high-risk groups get vaccinated. They include:

  • All children 6 months through 4 years
  • people 65 years and older
  • women who will be pregnant during the flu season
  • anyone with a weak immune system weakened by drugs or disease (such as HIV infection)
  • residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes
  • each adult or child with a chronic medical condition, such as asthma
  • children or adolescents who are taking aspirin on a regular basis and are at risk of developing Reye's syndrome if they get the flu
  • health care personnel who have direct contact with patients
  • caregiver or household contact of anyone in a high-risk group (such as children younger than 6 months)
  • Native American and Native Alaskan

Certain circumstances would prevent someone from getting the vaccine. If your child falls into one of the groups below, talk to your doctor to see if the vaccine is recommended:

  1. infants under 6 months
  2. Anyone who has ever experienced a severe reaction to the flu vaccination
  3. people with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a rare condition that affects the nervous and immune systems)

In the past, it is recommended that people with egg allergies are talking to doctors about whether receiving the flu vaccine is safe because it is grown in eggs. But health experts now say that the number of egg allergens in vaccines is very small (but not the nasal mist) is safe even for children with severe egg allergy. This is especially important during a severe flu season, as now, that started early and has been much worse than in the past.

However, if your child has an egg allergy, she should get a flu shot in the doctor's Office, not in supermarkets, drug stores, or anywhere else. And if severe allergies, may need to be given in the Office.

If your child is sick and feverish, talk with your doctor about rescheduling the flu case.

When kids should get vaccinations?

Flu season is typically when pergantia the weather early in the season, to build immunity to, or protection from, flumaka needed food or drinks for the immune or if necessary vaccines.

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