How to treat dry cough ?

Dry Cough-Cough is a commonplace condition happened so often we ignore it and assume it is a trivial problem. But we need to know if it's a cough can be a symptom of the disease showed the presence of disorders of the respiratory organs are the lungs. A cough that often we experience there are 2 types of coughs and phlegm so/productive/non productive dry cough. But on this occasion we will be reviewing or non productive dry cough with a solution's recovery with a dry cough medicine with no side effects from the ektrak sea cucumber Jelly Gamat gold Gold-G.

Dry Cough

keringBatuk cough dry or non productive cough is often cannot be known with certainty the cause at the beginning of the sufferer experiencing cough so often does delay handling and treatment. However, in the majority of cases can be found factors that can cause a dry cough are:

  1. Allergies, conditions are accompanied by sneezing.
  2. Viral infections, one of which can cause influenza.
  3. Asthma, if the condition is chronic phase proves cough.
  4. Komplikasiobat-specific drugs.
  5. Smoking or inhaling pollutants.

Lung cancer.

If we already know what wrote things that can cause a dry cough, we can avoid these factors so that the conditions we can immediately recover from a dry cough. But if it is less nenunjukan results, we recommend that you use and consumption of the drug that can help address the problem of the dry cough dry cough Medicine without side effects.

Homemade remedies of cough

Drink a lot of warm water during the day to ease cough. You can also drink a mix of lemon juice, honey and warm water at least thrice during the day. Gargles are always effective for easing dry cough. Add some salt to lukewarm water and gargle. Gargling with warm spinach juice is also very helpful in providing relief from dry cough. Alternatively, you also can prepare a decoction of henna leaves for treating dry cough.

Also, chewing a piece fresh ginger with some salt sprinkled on it can bring relief from dry cough. If you find it troublesome to chew raw ginger, then it can be helpful to chop it into fine pieces and to add it to a cup of water. Boil this water till only half a cup remains in the pot. Strain this before you drink it. You can add a spoonful of honey to improve the taste. Also, ginger and honey work by coating the throat, reducing irritation and the tickling sensation common to dry coughs.

Eat 3-4 balls of black pepper with caraway seeds and a pinch of common salt. Suck on it for some time to get instant relief from a dry cough. Before going to bed, you can drink hot milk with some honey. It can provide instant relief from dry cough and help you get a relaxed sleep.

Grape juice with honey can be a useful remedy for treating dry cough. Another effective remedy is to mix half spoon of Cuscus grass in 3-4 teaspoons of coconut milk. Add one teaspoon of honey to it and drink at night before going to bed.

Turmeric, with its natural antiseptic properties, can also be of great help in treating dry cough. Add a pinch of turmeric to a spoonful of honey and drink it at bedtime. Almonds can be an excellent remedy too. Soak three or four almonds overnight. In the morning, peel the almonds and grind them to a fine paste. Add a few grains of sugar or a spoon of honey to this and eat this mixture. It can help you feel better in 2-3 days.

In certain cases, a cough can be a symptom of a more serious condition such as lung infections like pneumonia or acute bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and sinusitis. It is therefore very important to see your doctor if a cough persists for any longer than 2-3 weeks.

Chronic, dry cough is a well-known side effect of blood pressure reducing drugs such as ACE inhibitors and beta blockers. If a cough was set off after taking one of these drugs, it is advised to talk to the doctor about changing to a different class of blood-pressure medication.

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