Babies and flu :How to Overcome The One Month Old baby if the flu ?
Babies and flu -I am a new mother who has a child, my first child happened to men. my baby is cold, I hear her voice a bit stuffy when breathing. I've check with your midwife down the heat just fine but it still sounds like a clogged breathing. perhaps there are mothers here who want to give me any advice? thanks in advance.
Child Cough
Possible allergic child if the mother sensitive channels of breath so easily formed mucus in the nose and grunt-grunt sound during breathing. No significant problems mucus page, just avoid trigger factors eg bahan2 hairy, dust, kapok, smoke, other pollutants. Continue breastfeeding up to 6 months if you can full milk. If there is a history of allergies or asthma in the family then after 6 months than breast milk and soya milk may be added starting solid foods such as porridge strain. Dr. Rudi Hartono, SpA, a pediatrician Satya State Hospital, Sunter, North Jakarta.
If colds
Child Cough
The process of cold transmission to the baby occurs not through bursts when somebody sneezes, but through touch. It may be that when a person is sick with the flu, then touches your baby's hands, or exchanging toys with him. At that nasal fluid can enter the skin or toys, and enter the body through the nose. Well, this is a cold beginning to your baby.
Symptoms of a cold baby is almost the same as adults, namely sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and cough. In normal conditions, the flu attacks your baby for five to six days.
Facing cold baby, you do not need to panic. Keep in mind, it is easy to attack the flu virus in infants, because their immune system is not perfect. However, your baby has enough endurance to attack the flu. Sneezing and coughing when the flu is part of the body's defense mechanism against viruses.
Colds in infants can actually heal itself, along with increasing body condition of your baby. Remember, the flu is not actually a cure. Usually, doctors recommend acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve pain and fever. That is, the drug is only to relieve the symptoms of flu, not to cure a cold baby.
The important thing you need to consider, drug delivery is not without side effects. Baby you belong to the age group are particularly vulnerable to side effects caused by medications you provided. The drug will function as caffeine, which increases heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, do not be surprised if your baby is getting fussy, insomnia and restless after being given the drug.
Child Cough
When the baby is cold, it will lack appetite, so their food intake becomes optimal. Strive for your baby gets fluid intake to prevent dehydration. Do not stop giving breast milk or formula, which has sufficient nutrition to help your baby's recovery process.
How to Overcome The One Month Old baby if the flu ?
You can work around this by feeding him little by little, with varied giving water or juz be more fresh fruit. Give also a sense of comfort to your baby so he could rest comfortably and accelerate the healing process on your baby's cold.
How to Overcome The One Month Old baby if the flu ?
You begin to be aware if your baby is breathing fast or panting, pale, limp, did not want to talk, high fever for more than two days, and it looks very painful. In this condition, immediately contact a doctor for.