Bad Coughs
Bad Coughs Isn't it amazing how many tissues and bowls of soup your family can go through in one season? Don't assume, though, that your child's cough is simply a cold it might Coughing is the body's way of removing foreign material or mucus from the lungs and upper airway passages -- or reacting to an irritated airway.It’s never a fun situation when you have a persistent cough. You don’t want to be that person in a quiet room during a lecture that can’t stop breaking the Cold and flu season brings on hacking coughs that can leave your chest aching. But allergies, asthma, acid reflux, dry air, smoking, and even some medications can If you're confused about coughs, rest assured you don't need a medical degree to get a sense of what's ailing your child. All you need is a little help Causes and natural remedies for Coughs, including dietary changes, supplements and a comprehensive Wellness Program - Coughing, Chronic Cough, Allergy Cough Remember: a smoker in r...