Chest Cough
Chest Cough About natural common cough remedies and symptoms, side-effects, respiratory phlegm, allergies and congestion.When a person says 'right or left side of chest hurts when I cough', the causes may vary from common cold to severe lung problems such as bronchitis or pneumonia.Robitussin® Maximum Strength Cough + Chest Congestion DM controls and relieves coughs plus thins and loosens mucus to relieve your chest congestion, too!New! Somatic Cough Syndrome (Previously Referred to as Psychogenic Cough) and Tic Cough (Previously Referred to as Habit Cough) in Adults and Children: CHEST Chest Cold Information Including Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Causes, Videos, Forums, and Local Community Support.Chest burning accompanied by coughing bouts can be an indication of a serious ailment and therefore, dismissing it is neither wise nor advised.Cough & Chest Congestion. Whether you have stubborn chest congestion or chest congestion with a nagging cough, Mucinex ® has a range o...